Coating Inspectors & Certifications usability in our Industries

Coating Inspectors & Certifications: The Global economic predicament and unemployment proportion in this world are inexorable for many intentions and reasons. In addition, recent COVID 19 made the pandemic situations and the worldwide economy is in turmoil due to relentless and unprecedented lockdown which emanated loss of employment, poverty, and other misadventures. Many industries attempting to get through their existence with good stratagems. Amidst of industrial crisis, the demand and redundancy in appropriate sectors are happening with unrelenting interposition by private and government backing.

The estimated US$2.5 trillion annual cost of corrosion worldwide (3 to 4% of GDP of industrialized countries) reflecting in all industries. The respective government not fully understanding the magnitudes of corrosion and how critical it is to control it thus the catastrophic losses are evident which is continuing further.

“Wherever Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, Aluminium and other alloyed materials fabricated and installed, the need of coating professionals in all trades are mandatory to control/monitoring corrosion and its related protection”

Cancer and diabetes can only be treated but not to be cured 100%. In the same manner, “Corrosion” cannot be stopped or eliminated 100%, but it can be treated, mitigated with proper control plan and procedures with the assistance of certified coating professionals.

Our anti-corrosion industries globally prospered due to everlasting corrosion and its control approaches. Whether it is a small-scale industry or medium or heavy industries, the need for corrosion control is domineering that necessitates periodic and preventive maintenance from day one of construction commissioning. In order to control/mitigate corrosion (new construction or Maintenance), the need for certified coating or painting inspectors with contractors, facility owners, or consultants is deeming mandatory.

Considering growing demand in anti-corrosion industries, the certified painting inspectors with intended knowledge and experience search is always thought-provoking for the recruiters or employers.

Which Industries, Coating / Painting professionals needed for corrosion control?

Oil & Gas Industries:   Petroleum Refinery, LNG Plant, LPG Plant, wellhead, Gathering Station, Acid Gas Injection     plant, Crude oil Storage Tanks, Gas Pipelines, Oil Pipelines (offshore / Onshore, etc.,)

ICorr Training, ICorr Certifications, ICorr Insulation, ICorr Fireproofing , HTS COATINGS

About Us

Harvish Technical Services deals with SSPC, FROSIO, Painting Inspectors, Coating Inspectors and Coating Specialists scheme is a new comprehensive, structured training scheme for the training, certification, and registration of industrial surface preparation and coating operatives

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